Chapter Member Input

Volunteer Stewards - Preserving Our Natural Areas

Volunteer Stewards - Preserving Our Natural Areas

We are asking chapter members and members of the public to share information about their stewardship activities in natural areas.  This input would be used to help structure our August 12th, 2024 program on this topic. You will also be given the opportunity to share photos and/or talk about your efforts at this program if you would like to do so. Please submit your information and photos no later than July 12th.

If possible, please submit photos at the same time you are submitting other information about your efforts. If this isn't possible, please submit an additional form to add additional information/photos related to your efforts. Alternatively, you could email those photos to [email protected]

Please click "Submit Form" button at the bottom of the form when you have completed the questionnaire. Thanks for your input!

Is there a plant list for this property?
Would you be willing to talk briefly (about 5 minutes) about your stewardship activities?

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