Chapter Events


Prairie State Nursery: Using Native Plants in the Landscape and Seed Production at Prairie State Nursery

This event has ended
Monday, October 9th, 2023
to (Central Time)
Mennonite Church of Normal, 805 S Cottage Ave, Normal, IL, 61761 Map

Public Welcome Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains

Note:  This program will also be recorded.  The recording will be available on our YouTube channel soon after the program.

Andy Stahr will present basic information on the importance of using native plants in the landscape and how native plants are grown, harvested, and processed at their native seed nursery in LaSalle County, IL for sale to the public. Participants will learn about how the native seed nursery was established, the challenges faced during start-up and current operations, and how individuals can help preserve and promote the genetics of Illinois’ remnant landscape through partnership with the nursery.

About the Speaker:

Andy Stahr is a University of Illinois graduate with a degree in Landscape Architecture. In addition to being Co-Owner of The Prairie State Nursery, he currently works for IDOT as a Roadside Management Specialist maintaining and establishing native vegetation along Illinois roadsides. For over 15 years prior to joining IDOT, Andy worked for an ecological restoration firm designing, installing, and maintaining natural areas throughout the Chicago Region.

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