Chapter Events


Native American Use of Plants in Illinois

This event has ended
Monday, April 11th, 2022
to (Central Time)
Mennonite Church of Normal, 805 S Cottage Ave, Normal, IL, 61761 Map

Public Welcome Will be Recorded Free Event Chapter Meeting Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains

Note:  This is currently planned as an in-person program. To participate in the live-stream of this program at 7:00 pm (Central Time), please use this link Please see bottom of this page for information on current Covid-19 protocols for in-person programs.  No plants, no people. Consider our basic needs�"food, water, air, and shelter�"and how each one involves plants. To illustrate the role of plants in human history, this program will explore the use of plants by Native American societies in Illinois over the past 12,000 years. Using a combination of methods of study�"archaeobotany, ethnobotany, and oral tradition�"this program will illustrate a history of Native American plant use over time and how it changed not only their lives, but the lives of human beings throughout the world. Presenter Bio: Dr. Michael Wiant studied anthropology and archaeology at Illinois State University and Northwestern University. For more than 50 years, he has explored Native American history, primarily in the Illinois River valley. In 1982, he joined the staff of the Illinois State Museum, an institution dedicated to exploration, discovery, knowledge, and teaching. He retired in 2017 as the Director of the Illinois State Museum�"Dickson Mounds. In retirement, he continues his museum way-of-life, exploring Native American history and sharing his knowledge with colleagues, students, and the public. In addition to his work at the museum, Dr. Wiant also taught courses in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work at Illinois State University. Current Covid-19 Protocols (subject to change): Our program venue is currently mask optional. Wild Ones current Covid-related protocols related to in-person events are as follows: I attest that the following is true: �" I have no cold or flu-like symptoms including fever, cough, or shortness of breath. �" I have not received instructions from a medical provider to self-quarantine in relation to COVID-19 in the last 10 days. �" I have not received a COVID -19 diagnosis in the last 10 days. �" If I recovered from COVID-19, my symptoms have been resolved for more than 10 days. �" No member of my household tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days. If any of the above is not true, I will not enter the facility or the event space and I will not participate in the event.

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