Chapter Events


What is Wild and Why It Matters (Virtual Program)

This event has ended
Monday, January 10th, 2022
to (Central Time)

Public Welcome Limited Access Recording Free Event Chapter Meeting Program/Speaker Presentation

This virtual program will take place on Zoom.  To register for this program, click HERE.   We encourage you to register early as space is limited.  We also encourage you to submit questions for Rick Darke in advance of the program by using this FORM.  We will also be able to take some questions using the CHAT feature after the program. 

 Program Description: Inviting a bit of authentic wildness into your garden is the most rewarding way to create a truly vibrant landscape - one that will sustain both the gardener and a stunning array of regional biodiversity. Rather than maintaining plants in fixed patterns, the modern wild garden relies on the resiliency of managed, self-perpetuating plant communities. Rick Darke will explore the dynamic nature of wild gardening and will show how this approach is genuinely ecological and eminently practical for Midwest landscapes.    

Presenter Bio: Pennsylvania-based consultant, author and photographer Rick Darke's work is grounded in an observational ethic that blends ecology, horticulture and cultural geography in the design and care of living landscapes. His collaborative projects include parks, post-industrial sites, transportation corridors, conservation developments, botanic gardens and residential landscapes. His many books include The Living Landscape: Designing for Beauty and Biodiversity in the Home Garden, co-authored with Doug Tallamy, and Gardens of the High Line: Elevating the Nature of Modern Landscapes co-authored with Piet Oudolf. For further info visit: 

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