Chapter Events


Creating Attractive Gardens Using Native Plants

This event has ended
Monday, March 9th, 2020
to (Central Time)

Many people reject the idea of a native garden because they think it is messy and unkempt. Yet many of these same people love the look of an English Cottage garden with its colorful profusion of species. Why is this not seen as messy too? What do you think is the answer?

It is critically important that we expand garden habitat and enhance ecological corridors in our common urban/suburban yards and spaces; we cannot overlook this potential and be truly successful long term.  However, to do this effectively, we must understand how to design and manage gardens and landscapes using native plants in a way that is more readily adopted by the public.  Why does this prove difficult?  What are the impediments in the mind of your clients?  In your own?

This presentation will present some thoughts to begin a dialogue about this question.

Presenter Bio:

Trish Beckjord is a registered landscape architect whose work has focused on conservation, restoration and integration of native plants in designed landscapes. Currently she is Program Manager for The Conservation Foundation’s Fox River Initiative and serves as the Native Plant consultant to Midwest Groundcovers where she worked as the Native Plants and Green Infrastructure Specialist for four and half years.

Trish built her experience in sustainable planning and site design through her work at Conservation Design Forum in Elmhurst, IL and the Ann Arbor office of JJR, both award-winning design, engineering and planning firms. Also an experienced public speaker, facilitator and writer, Trish currently writes a column for Midwest’s Natural Garden Natives™ monthly newsletter, and serves a variety of community organizations.  Trish is looking forward to a lively discussion around the idea of creating more environmentally ethical gardens!

This program is FREE and OPEN to the public!

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