Chapter Events


Hill Prairies: Past, Present and Future

This event has ended
Tuesday, September 11th, 2018
to (Central Time)

Illinois is the "Prairie State" but most people have misconceptions of what an actual prairie is.  Hill prairies are more than just "prairies on a hill" and because of their landscape position and past land usage, they are one of the most common remnant prairie types left in central Illinois.  John Wilker will share with us the many factors affecting development of these rare unique ecosystems.  He will tell a compelling story of how they developed, why they are still on the landscape and what they mean for conservation in Illinois.  

Presenter Bio:

John Wilker has Bachelor's degree in Zoology from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale (SIUC) and a Master's Degree in Plant Biology also from SIUC.  He is currently employed as the Natural Areas Program Manager for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources with over 22 years of experience managing and conserving natural communities.  John is also an adjunct instructor of Biology at Lincoln Land Community College with 15 years of experience teaching biology and field ecology at Lincoln Land and University of Illinois at Springfield.   

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