Chapter Events


Common Landscape Invasive Plants and Native Alternatives

This event has ended
Monday, February 12th, 2018
to (Central Time)

Did you know that many common landscape plants are actually considered invasive? These plants may not be on the invasive species list but they have the potential to become invasive and are still readily sold and used in the garden industry. Potentially invasive and also truly invasive plants are contributing to various environmental problems, such as pollinator decline. Kelly Allsup will present some of the most commonly sold landscape plants and discuss their potentially invasive qualities in natural areas.  She will also discuss how we can replace these plants with native alternatives that are just as attractive and also more ecologically beneficial. Be an informed plant buyer and plant advocate!

Presenter Bio:
Kelly Allsup is the University of Illinois Horticulture Educator serving the communities in Livingston, McLean and Woodford counties. She is responsible for offering leadership, developing community programs and providing expertise in Horticulture and Environmental Sciences. Her teaching focus is on issues concerning entomological conservation, good integrated pest management practices, and invasive insect and plant education, awareness, and research.

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