Chapter Events


Restoration of Woodland Properties

This event has ended
Monday, September 11th, 2017
to (Central Time)
Mennonite Church of Normal, 805 S Cottage Ave, Normal, IL, 61761 Map

Woodlands are a natural community type intermediate between forests and savannas which typically support an oak-hickory tree canopy.  Woodlands have the potential to support numerous species of native plants and animals, some quite rare, but are under threat by several factors.  Many examples of this vegetation type are in private ownership statewide and such landowners are key to maintaining and improving woodlands for conservation purposes.  The presentation will cover aspects of assessing land and vegetation, setting realistic management goals, and implementing a stewardship vision for the land.  Q&As are encouraged.

Presenter Bio: Bob Szafoni has over 30 years experience in natural areas identification and stewardship.  He has written and/or implemented stewardship on woodlands as well as other natural community types statewide.  He has a bachelor's and master's degree from University of Illinois and is retired from the IL DNR where he served as the Illinois Natural Areas Program Manager for over 10 years.  Prior to that he was an IDNR Natural Heritage Biologist (covering McLean County for a time!) and has worked at the Illinois Natural History Survey.  He currently is an ecological consultant as well as manages his own woodland in east-central Illinois.

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