Yard Tour, Plant Swap and Picnic (Members-only)
Bill and Sherrie Snyder have graciously offered to host our June 12th program. We will tour their garden and woods on the Mackinaw River, and then have a potluck and plant exchange. Because parking is very limited at their home, we will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the Mennonite Church, corner of S. Cottage Avenue and Hovey in Normal, and then receive directions to the Snyders' and carpool from there. If you will be coming to the Snyders' from the Carlock area, we can provide you directions. Please bring a lawn chair if you can, a dish to pass, your own table service and mug, and any native plants you might have for the plant exchange (please label them)--also a means of carrying plants home! Barbecue and buns, iced tea, lemonade, and water will be provided. So that we may know how much barbeque to order, please let us know that you are coming several days before the program. Patti Koranda will email all chapter members a SignUp invitation to the potluck. Sign up will also be available at the name tag table at the May 8th program. This is a members-only program. Fortunately, there is still time to become a member for this always-fun event!