Chapter Events


Field trip to Starhill Forest Arboretum (members only)

This event has ended
Saturday, September 14th, 2013
to (Central Time)
Starhill Forest Arboretum, 12000 Boy Scout Trail, Petersburg, IL Map

Tour of Starhill Forest Arboretum, Guy and Edie Sternberg?s private research arboretum in Petersburg, IL. We will learn about comparing tree features and planting and caring for trees. We will also see the precise research plots that earned international status. The tour will last around 2 hours during which time we'll be hiking through wooded land on uneven terrain with some hilly areas. Please dress for the weather, wear sturdy shoes, and bring bug spray and water. We are invited to stay and picnic in the arboretum, so be sure to bring your lunch and a chair if you plan to picnic with us. 

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