Chapter Events


Wild for Monarchs

This event has ended
Monday, August 8th, 2016
to (Central Time)

Have you been intrigued by the concern surrounding Monarch butterflies and wanted to learn more about them and the difficulties they face? Join Kay Henrichs, Janet Rasmussen, and Sharon Welch as they share information on the interesting life-history of monarch butterflies, citizen science opportunities (such as monarch tagging and the online reporting of monarch sightings) and various monarch conservation initiatives at the federal, state and local levels. They also hope to bring some monarch caterpillars for everyone to see.

Presenter Bios

Kay Henrichs is a Master Gardener who for many years has been educating the public about Monarchs and has also reared monarch caterpillars, travelled to the Monarch overwintering site in Mexico, and participated in the Monarch Watch tagging program.

Janet Rasmussen and Sharon Welch are Wild Ones members and Master Naturalists who have also raised monarch caterpillars to adulthood and have a keen interest in Monarch butterflies and sharing their knowledge about them with others.

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