Annual Meeting, Potluck, and Seed Exchange (Members Only)
Join us at 6:00 for a potluck dinner. At 7:00 will hold our annual meeting including the election of officers for 2014. The seed exchange will take place throughout the evening.
For the Potluck
The Board is providing a variety of soups and apple cider
Please bring and side item to share? and you own place setting including a bowl for soup and a cup for beverages
For the Seed Exchange
Bring any native plant seeds you've harvested and willing to share
For small amounts, please place 10-20 seeds in small plastic bags.
For large amounts of seeds, bring in a large bag or jar. We will have small plastic bags for people to place seeds in.
Please provide the common name and if known, species name of the seeds.
Even if you have don't have seeds to contribute you are welcome to take seeds.