Chapter Events


You're Planting That? How About This? Native Alternatives to Invasive Landscape Plants

This event has ended
Monday, April 14th, 2014
to (Central Time)

Marilyn Leger will discuss which nursery plants are best left at the nursery and provide suggestions for plants which will give more individual personality to our home landscapes by helping us identify native plants as alternatives to the exotic and invasive plants still available in garden centers. In recent years, the home landscape across the country has become increasingly homogenized with many of the same plants being used nearly everywhere. Homeowners select plants because their neighbors have them, they're popular, they see them in public gardens, and because they're readily available at local home improvement warehouses, garden centers, and even your corner drugstore.

Presenter Bio:

Marilyn Leger has been actively involved in the native plant community in Central Illinois for many years with a specific focus on eradicating invasive plant species. She focuses not only at ground level through elimination efforts and planting of natives but also focuses her efforts on helping change state and federal policies. She is a Master Naturalist and is co-chair of the Invasive Plant Task Force within the East Central Illinois Master Naturalists.

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