About Us

Contact Us:

Please send an email to [email protected] if you have questions about our chapter or its activities.

About Us

Our chapter was chartered by the National Wild Ones in 2010. To learn more about some of our past activities, please read our history documentation (pdf) or view our Special Edition Tenth Anniversary newsletter.

Our chapter’s primary goal is to provide opportunities to learn more about prairie and woodland plants native to Central Illinois. We sponsor monthly programs that cover various native plant-related topics such as identifying species, landscaping design, and the ecological importance of planting natives. All programs and meetings are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.

Consult our by-laws for more information about our different officer and committee responsibilities.

Illinois Prairie Star Gardener Award

If you are a member of Illinois Prairie Chapter of Wild Ones, we want to honor you with the Illinois Prairie Star Gardener Award. The only requirement is that you have a 4-season native garden, which includes native plants that support pollinators in spring, summer and fall, and allows stalks and fallen leaves to remain throughout the winter. Your award will include recognition in our chapter newsletter and on our Star Garden honor roll, a special star for your name tag and the knowledge that you are helping our native wildlife thrive by providing native plants to sustain them.

To receive this award, fill out this APPLICATION, entering one or more different native plants that bloom in that season on the spring, summer and fall lines and checking “yes” on the line about winter habitat. This is an inclusive award; every chapter member who qualifies will be Illinois Prairie Star Gardener.

If you are unsure about what you have or if it’s native, our website has a lot of information on native plants on our RESOURCES page.

Board – 2025


Board Committee Chairs

Position Name Position Name
Co-Presidents Dianne Feasley & Ann Schreifels Membership Kathy Packard
Vice President Tom Niebur Plant Sale Janet Rasmussen
Secretary Melissa Wilson Programs Cathy Montgomery
Treasurer Brad Bray Public Outreach Sarah Lindenbaum


News and Press Releases

GLT Datebook
Illinois Chapter Prairie Wild Ones (mp3; 4 minutes)
March 7, 2014
Sherrie Snyder of the Illinois Chapter Prairie Wild Ones talks about the organization that’s dedicated to native plants.

WILL Illinois Public Media
March 08, 2013
Sherrie Snyder, our past President, talks about the benefits of incorporating native plants in your yard and garden.

New group promotes vegetation suited to land
By Scott Richardson; Sunday, February 20, 2011